It appears to me that there's essentially no difference between Obama and Romney on most issues that a president can actually directly do anything about and here's a video demonstrating that using their own words :-)
Sorry partisans.
There's this game called Deus Ex Invisible War that's pretty terrible but there's a series of side missions involving corporate espionage between two competing coffee chains, Pequod's and Queequeg's. Toward the end of the quest line you discover that both companies are owned by a third company and the "Two different coffee chains were created to conquer different tastes of customers; the rivalry between the coffee chains is intended to stimulate public interest in their products all the while bringing profit for one monopolistic corporation". (quoted from here's ) Divide and conquer. The classics never go out of style.
So, Romney campaigns to the rich military loving folks and Obama campaigns to the not-rich social program loving folks and in substance their actual policies are identical. Who's the winner here? Cause it sure ain't us.